
Veselka Zhelyazkova. New Knowledge about the Reception of Homiletic Texts in the South Slavonic Literature [IN BULGARIAN]

Palaeobulgarica XLVIII/4 (2024): 147-155


Hristina Davidkova. A Conteporary Scientific View of a a 9th-Century Old Bulgarian Literary Monument and Its Balkan Context [IN BULGARIAN]

Balkani 13 (2024): 151-157


Two dictionaries present the verbal wealth of a remarkable medieval manuscript [IN BULGARIAN]

Veneta Gavrilova speaks with Lora Taseva on the Bulgarian National Radio


Poučné evangelium Konstantina Preslavského. Různé přístupy ke zpracování památky a její místo mezi homiletickými texty raného období slovanského písemnictví

Slavia 93, No. 2, 2024


International Scholarly Conference “Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel and the South Slavonic Translations of Homiletic Texts (9th-13th Centuries),” 25-27 April [IN BULGARIAN]

Starobalgarska Literatura 67-68 (2023):409-414


International Scholarly Forum on the Literary Heritage of Constantine of Preslav in the Light of Modern Palaeoslavistics [IN BULGARIAN]

Bulgarica 46 (2023): 89-95


Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel in the Context of Medievla South/Slavonic Translations of Homiletic Texts [IN BULGARIAN]

Palaeobulgarica 2 (2023): 155-164


Rediscovery of Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [IN BULGARIAN]

Milena Lekova speaks with Alessandro Maria Bruni and Ekaterina Dikova on the Bulgarian National Radio


Constantine of Preslav and the Richness of the Vocabulary of his Didactic Gospel [IN BULGARIAN]

Veneta Gavrilova speaks with Lora Taseva, Roland Marti and Alessandro Maria Bruni on the Bulgarian National Radio


A Conference on Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie [IN BULGARIAN]

BAS website


International Conference, entitled Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel and the South Slavonic Translations of Homiletic Texts (9th – 13th c.): Philological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Byzantine News, Issue 66, April 2023


Forthcoming (In Bulgarian)

Literaturen vestnik 2023 (32) No. 13, p. 2


Rediscovering the Past (In Bulgarian)

Literaturen vestnik 2022 (31) No. 29, p. 2


A Modest Person Does Everhing Moderately (In Bulgarian)

Dveri na Pravoslavieto


One-Thousand-Year-Old Words: An Object of a Fundamental Scholarly Research (In Bulgarian)

Kultura: Portal for Culture, Art and Society


The Vocabulary of Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie (‘Didactic Gospel’): Old Bulgarian-Greek and Greek-Old Bulgarian Word Indices

Byzantine News Issue 50, December 2021


A Scholarly Seminar on the Bulgarian Diachronic Lexicography and Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [in Bulgarian]

Balkani journal 10/2021: 121-124


The Richness of the Vocabulary of Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [in Bulgarian]

Veneta Gavrilova speaks with Lora Taseva on the Bulgarian National Radio


Scholars study the vocabulary of Constantine of Preslav [in Bulgarian]

Silvia Choleva speaks with Ivan Petrov on the Bulgarian National Radio