Eine intellektuelle Heldentat des 9. Jahrhunderts: Konstantin von Preslav und sein Lehrevangelium – presentation by D. Kotova

Humboldt Kolleg

Human and artificial intelligence in science and society
Sofia, September 12-15, 2024

The Patristic Exegetical Foundations of the Orthodox Homiletic Tradition: The Učitelno evangelie (Didactic Gospel) by Constantine of Preslav – presentation by G. Mitov

International Workshop
on Orthodox Theology
Ad Fontes – Back to the Roots? University of Eastern Finland
June 5–6, 2024

ЖИВОТЪ, ЖИТИѤ and ЖИЗНЬ in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel – presentation by L. Taseva

International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference
Linguistic аnd Cultural Contexts  оf The Christian Tradition:  Slovak-Slavic And Slovak-European Relations  аnd Parallels
Bratislava 23–24.05.2024

The Introductions and Conclusions in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel: Sources and Inspirations [IN BULGARIAN] – lecture by D. Kotova

Every Second Tuesday
Lections Cycle

Once again towards the mental and cognitive terms in Old Church – presentation by Ivan P. Petrov
Text-Critical Notes to Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel – presentation by E. Dikova

Colloquia Ceranea VI
University of Łódź and Online

The Catena on Luke CPG C 130, Severus of Antioch’s scholia and Oration 35 in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel: Slavonic translation and interpretation [IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by D. Kotova
оудобь eсть вѣдѣти: Rendering the Greek Optative in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospelpresentation by Ivan P. Petrov
Variability and Terminologisation in the translation corelates in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by L. Taseva

„Transfer and Adaptation: Languages and Cultures in Dialogue (The Balkans from Late Antiquity to Early Modern Times)“ International Conference,
Sofia, 24-26 January 2024

The Project for Creating Word Indices to Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel: Lexicographical Issues [IN RUSSIAN] – presentation by L. Taseva

All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation „The Moscow Bible and the Development of Biblical Tradition among the Slavs
Moscow, 20-21.12.2023

The Translator as A Creator of the Language: а Look at Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie [IN BULGARIAN] –– lecture by L. Taseva

A photograph from the event

The Dictionaries to Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel: Lexicographic Challenges and Technological Solutions [IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by L. Taseva

Round table dedicated to computer processing of Old Bulgarian Monuments
24 November 2023, Sofia

Facetten der Tugend: Die Übersetzungsentsprechungen für gr. ἀρετή im Lehrevangelium Konstantins von Preslav [‘Facets of virtue: translation correlates of the Greek ἀρετή in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel’] – presentation by L. Taseva
Predigt 43 des Učitelʼnoe evangelie Kostantins von Preslav: zwischen Übersetzung und Eigenkreation [‘Sermon 43 in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel: between translation and own creation’] – presentation by D. Kotova

15. Tagung „Altslavistik“
26.-27. Oktober 2023, Gießen


Das Lehrevangelium Konstantins von Preslav: zwischen der ‘klassischen’ Altphilologie und der digitalen Humanitaristik (Projektsvorstellung) – online presentation by I. Petrov

Jungslavist*innen treffen
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
27.-29. September 2023

Byzantine New-Testament Catenae: A Practical Workshop (On Material from Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel) [in Bulgarian] – presentation by I. Petrov

Schola Æstiva linguarum antiquarum Pautaliae habita MMXXIII
22-30.08.2023, Kyustendil

Parallel excerpts in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel: A touch to the translation process – presentation by L. Taseva

Between the source text and the listeners: Constantine Preslavski’s translation solutions in the Didactic Gospel – presentation by D. Kotova
Platonic words in the Didactic Gospel – presentation by E. Dikova
Some problems in lematising adverbs when processing electronic Greek-Slavonic dictionaries to medieval translated texts – presentation by I. P. Petrov

The Cyrillo-Metodian Work in the Scholarly and Cultural Memory International Conference

Sofia, 22-24.05.2023

Presentation of the project The Vocabulary of Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie (‘Didactic Gospel’): Old Bulgarian-Greek and Greek-Old Bulgarian Word Indices

Thirteenth Edition of the Sofia Science Festival 
Sofia, 11–14 May 2023  

Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie and the South Slavonic Homiletic Texts (9th-13th century): Philological and Interdisciplinary Aspects

International Conference

Greek New Testament Catenae and Their Transformation into Homiletic Texts: The Case of The Uchitel’noe Evangelie (‘Didactic/ Homiletic Gospel’) Of Constantine Of Preslav – presentation by G. Mitov

Research Seminar Byzantijnse Literatuur
KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts, LETT 03.15
8 December 2022

Greek-SLavonic Translations as Cultural Transfer: Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [IN GERMAN] – presentation by L. Taseva

Humboldt-Kolleg „Deutschland – Schwarzmeerraum – Südkaukasien. Geschichte und Gegenwart der gegenseitigen Wahrnehmung
Tbilissi, 30.11.-3.12.2022

The Slavonic Corelates of the Greek Words Beginning with α- in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by L. Taseva
On the Greek Sources of Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by D. Kotova

26st Interdisciplinary Conference in Old Bulgarian Literature and Culture,Institute of Literature, Sofia
17–18 November 2022  

Полезность лексикографической обработки Учительного евангелия Константина Преславского [IN RUSSIAN] – presentation by P. Stankovska
Translation of Some Sociocultural Notions in Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel [IN GERMAN] – presentation by L. Taseva

Neighbouring ideas: The Byzantine–Slavonic Intellectual Contacts Department of Byzantine Studies, University of Vienna,
911 November 2022

Bilingual Word Indices to the 9th-Century Didactic Gospel – a presentation by Martin Ruskov and Lora Taseva

DIPRAL 2022: 1st International Workshop on Digital Platforms and Resources for Access to Literary Heritage: a joint event of the 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2022)

20 September 2022, Padua, Italy

Über die byzantinischen Quellen der altbulgarischen Übersetzung des Lehrevangeliums von Konstantin von Preslaw – presentation by D. Kotova

XXIV International Congress of Byzantine Studies

Byzantium – Bridge Between Worlds Venice and Padua, 2227.08.2022

Der Beitrag Konstantins von Preslav zu den griechisch-slavischen Übersetzungskorrelaten – presentation by L. Taseva
Die 42. Predigt des Učitel’noe evangelie Konstantins von Preslav: Originalität und Übersetzung – presentation by D. Kotova

Das kirchenslavische Schrifttum als Kulturerbe: Texte und Textwelten, Rezeptionswege, Digitale Erfassung, Heidelberg, 1516.07.2022

Two cultures, Two languages, Two Tasks: Konstantin von Preslav – Translator and Preacher [IN GERMAN] – presentation by D. Kotova
Artificial Intelligence and Philology: Handwriting Recognition in Palaeoslavonic Studies [IN GERMAN] – abstract to Achim Rabus’ presentation
Introduction to Computer-Supported Handwritten Text Recognition – by A. Rabus (poster)

A lecture within the frames of the series Each Second Tuesday series of the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology (BAS)

In the Language Laboratory of a Medieval Translator – presentation by L. Taseva

Humboldt Kolleg
„How to Change the World via Science“
German-Jordanian University Madaba, Jordan 09–11.06.2022

Again on the Rhythm of Azbuchna Molitva (in Bulgarian) – presentation by E. Dikova

Cyrillo-Methodian Readings of the Cyrillo-Methodian Department at the Sofia University, Sofia, 1617.05.2022

The Word-Indices to Konstantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe Evangelie: Sources, Structure and Methods for Developing (in Bulgarian) – presentation by L. Taseva
The Free Translation as a Lexicographic Problem (in Bulgarian) – presentation by D. Kotova
Lexicography and Suppletion: Selected Problems based on the Indices to Konstantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel (in Bulgarian) – presentation by I. P. Petrov
Phrasal Units in Bilingual Diachronic Dictionaries to Old Slavnic Translated Texts (in Bulgarian) – presentation by E. Dikova

Ways of Using Informatics in Lexicographic Processing of Old Slavic Vocabulary – Workshop of the Commission for Church Slavonic Dictionaries at the ICC in cooperation with the Slavonic Institute of the ASCR, v. V. I., Prague, 04.04.2022

The Vocabulary of Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie (Projekt КП-06-Н50/2) – presentation by L. Taseva (in German)

Digital Tools and Databases for Slavonic in Development Workshop, Insbruck, 16.12.2021

Two-Stem Words with ино- ‘one’ from the Semantic and Diachronic Perspective – presentation by Lora Taseva (in Bulgarian)

On the Word ал(ъ)кота in Uchitel’noe evangeliepresentation by Ekaterina Dikova (in Bulgarian)

25th Interdisciplinary Collegium in Old Bulgarian Literature dedicated to Petăr Dinekov and Stefan Kozhuharov, Sofia, 1112.11.2021

Conference Program (in Bulgarian)

Two-Stem Words with ино- ‘one’ from the Semantic and Diachronic Perspective – presentation by Lora Taseva (in Bulgarian)

On the Word ал(ъ)кота in Uchitel’noe evangeliepresentation by Ekaterina Dikova (in Bulgarian)

25th Interdisciplinary Collegium in Old Bulgarian Literature dedicated to Petăr Dinekov and Stefan Kozhuharov,
Sofia, 11–12.11.2021

Conference Program (in Bulgarian)

Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie from Catena to Homily – Genre Peculiarities and Transformations – presentation by Georgi Mitov and video (1:30-1:44)
In Search of the Greek Source of Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie: Sermons Nine and Twelve – presentation by Dobriela Kotova and video (1:44-2:12)
Thoughts, Mind, Heart and Intellect: The Transformations of the Greek Word διάνοια in Old Bulgarian Translated Writings – presentation by Ivan P. Petrov and video (1:40-1:58)

International scholarly conference “The Path of Cyril and Methodius – Spatial and Cultural-Historical Dimensions”
Sofia, 27–29.10.2021

Conference Program (in Bulgarian)

The Vocabulary of Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie (‘Didactic Gospel’): Old Bulgarian-Greek and Greek-Old Bulgarian Word Indices“ (In Bulgarian) – Lora Taseva (Poster)

A lecture within the frames of the series Each Second Tuesday series of the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology (BAS)

Video record of the event (in Bulgarian)

De quibusdam elementis artis bene scribendi: Progymnasmata Graeca et EvangeliumDidacticum Constantini Preslavensis

A workshop hosted by the Eighth Summer School of Classical Languages,
Sofia, 16–24.08.2021

The Concept of Bilingual Word Indices to Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie in the Context of Diachronic Lexicography (Project Workshop)

Overview of the Sources for the Dictionaries to Constantine of Preslav’s Uchitel’noe evangelie [IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by L. Taseva and G. Mitov

Basics of the Lexivographic Concept for Bilingual Word Indices to Constantine of Preslav’s Word Indices[IN BULGARIAN] – presentation by L. Taseva


Концепцията за двуезични словоуказатели към Учителното евангелие на Константин Преславски в контекста на историческата лексикография


10,00-12,30: Лекции от поканени учени

Свободен достъп през ZOOM чрез линк: https://zoom.us/j/97785965057

10-10,15: Oткриване

10,15-10,45: проф. д-р Елка Мирчева (Институт за български език при БАН)

Проучванията в областта на българската историческа лексикология – 100 години след началото

10,45-11,15: проф. дфн Искра Христова-Шомова (Софийски университет)

Асиметрията при изготвяне на славянско-гръцки речници на средновековни текстове и начините за нейното преодоляване

11,15-11,45: доц. д-р Петра Станковска (Люблянски университет)

Проблемите на изработката на двоезичните индекси кон преводни старословенски текстови: синсемантички зборови

11,45-12,15: доц. д-р Татяна Илиева (Кирило-Методиевски научен център при БАН)

Преводна парадигма и подредба на корелатите в индексите към средновековни славянски преводи от гръцки

12,15: Дискусия

13,30-17,00: Обсъждане на лексикографската концепция за речниците към Учителното евангелие на Константин Преславски

Закрито заседание на участниците в проекта и поканени специалисти в областта на двуезичната лексикография: проф. дфн Искра Христова (СУ), проф. д-р Елка Мирчева (ИБЕ – БАН), проф. д-р Мария Спасова (ВТУ), проф. д-р Веселка Желязкова (КМНЦ – БАН) доц. д-р Анета Димитрова (СУ), доц. д-р Явор Милтенов (ИБЕ – БАН), доц. д-р Татяна Илиева (КМНЦ – БАН), доц. д-р Камен Димитров (ВТУ), гл. ас. д-р Цветомира Данова (КМНЦ – БАН), гл. ас. д-р Иван Илиев (СУ / Фрайбургски университет)

13,30-13,45: проф. д-р Лора Тасева, Георги Митов (ИБЦТ при БАН)
Преглед на изворовата база за речниците към Учителното евангелие на Константин Преславски: славянски и гръцки.

13,45-14,00: проф. д-р Лора Тасева (ИБЦТ при БАН)

Основни положения в лексикографската концепция за двуезичните словоуказатели към Учителното евангелие на Константин Преславски

14,00-17,00: Дискусия